The Inclusive Leader’s Playbook

Inclusive Leader's Playbook cover and pages


About the book

This easy-to-use guide offers a wealth of tips and techniques for fostering a mindset of inclusion and creating a culture of equity in your organization. It will help you increase engagement, foster creativity and innovation, and benefit from all of the talent in your organization.

  • Learn essential diversity, equity, and inclusion concepts
  • Master 6 actions of The Work of the Inclusive LeaderTM
  • Take steps to be a more inclusive leader with the help of reflection questions, exercises and suggested actions

Meet the authors

elisa van dam headshot

Elisa van Dam is the Vice President of Allyship & Inclusion at the Simmons University Institute for Inclusive Leadership. She works with organizations and individual leaders to increase their understanding and practice of inclusive leadership behaviors.

Susan MacKenty Brady is the Deloitte Ellen Gabriel Chair for Women and Leadership and CEO of Simmons University Institute for Inclusive Leadership. A highly sought-after author and expert on self-aware leadership, Susan has keynoted or consulted at over 500 organizations worldwide.


Read our Amazon reviews

This playbook provides an excellent framework for understanding the concept of inclusive leadership, along with concrete steps you can take to develop as an inclusive leader. It’s a great tool, whether your position officially encompasses DEI work or whether you just want to bring more diversity, equity and inclusion to teams you are a part of. The authors provide simple explanations of key concepts, along with prompts for self-reflection and suggestions for meaningful actions. Organizations as well as individuals will benefit from the useful suggestions in this playbook.

As someone who looks after an organization's and culture practice, I was very pleased to discover this playbook. It's a very clear and very simple resource that can be used to help leadership teams share key definitions, discuss and share their experiences, and then build plans to increase inclusion in their organizational functions.

This book is a quick and easy primer on diversity and inclusion. Any leader who has ever felt excluded will connect with the material. Every leader should read this book!

I shared this with a few of my colleagues in the DEI space and a few others who have been more curious lately. It is easy to absorb but has incredible coverage of the issues. A great primer for leading in action.